Wedding Cake Cannabis Seeds

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Indulge in the decadent experience of Wedding Cake, a potent hybrid strain known for its rich flavor profile and powerful effects. Our Wedding Cake cannabis seeds produce plants with a complex blend of sweet, earthy, and vanilla notes, delivering a deeply relaxing and euphoric high. Ideal for growers and users looking for a luxurious and impactful strain, Wedding Cake offers a balanced blend of physical relaxation and cerebral stimulation. Perfect for unwinding after a long day, this strain is celebrated for its stress-relieving qualities and delightful taste. Cultivate Wedding Cake for a truly sumptuous cannabis journey.
  • THC: 18-28%
  • CBD: 1-2%
  • Strain: Hybrid
  • Growing difficulty: Moderate
  • Flowering time: 8-9 weeks
  • Height: Medium-tall
  • Yield: Moderate-high
  • Aroma: Sweet, fruity, vanilla
  • Flavor: Sweet, vanilla, earthy
  • Effect: Relaxed, uplifted, euphoric
  • Medical Uses: Stress, depression, pain, insomnia

Wedding Cake is a hybrid strain known for its sweet vanilla aroma and its relaxing and sedative effects. It's considered to be a newer strain but it's already gained popularity and it's known for its stability and reliability.


Growing Wedding Cake is considered to be of moderate difficulty. This strain is suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing, it has a flowering time of 8-9 weeks and it produces moderate to high yields. Wedding Cake plants are typically medium-sized, with dense buds and a high resin content. This strain is known to be resistant to pests and diseases, but it requires moderate attention during the growth period.


The aroma of Wedding Cake is one of its defining characteristics. It has a sweet vanilla aroma with a hint of earthy and woody notes. The aroma can be quite strong, making it a favorite among growers and cannabis enthusiasts.


The flavor of Wedding Cake is similar to its aroma, it has a sweet vanilla taste with a hint of earthy and woody notes. The smoke is smooth and the flavor is long lasting, making it a great option for those who enjoy the taste of cannabis.


Wedding Cake is known for its relaxing and sedative effects. It's a hybrid that provides relaxing and sedative effects, making it a great option for night-time use. It can help with pain and stress relief, as well as it can help with insomnia, anxiety and depression. It's popular among recreational users for its relaxing and euphoric effects, and it's also a popular choice among medical patients for its ability to provide pain relief and help with mood disorders.

Medical uses

Wedding Cake has also shown to have medicinal benefits, it can help with conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasms, and headaches. Due to its relaxing and sedative effects, it can also be used for PTSD, depression, and other stress-related disorders. It's also known to be helpful for patients dealing with glaucoma, as well as it's prescribed for nausea and loss of appetite. Additionally, it's known to be helpful for patients with headaches and migraines as well as to help with symptoms of PMS and cramps.

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